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Many thanks for the project invitation by SunnyHills to present Hong Kong’s neon light shop signs which are disappearing on the street. To celebrate SunnyHills’ 10th anniversary in Hong Kong, they have produced a limited edition tote bag. The artwork named “A Moment of Hong Kong”, which includes the green tram passing by those coloured shop signs, and printed on the tote bag, allows tourists and Hong Kong people to retain this moment of Hong Kong.

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Rickubic x 古力字間 嘅全新作品「山系龍脈」正式登場,作品將香港嘅主要山脈透過龍身展現,包括八仙嶺、青山、大帽山、獅子山、蚺蛇尖、山頂、鳳凰山等,而極簡約設計嘅龍潛行香港獨有嘅地勢,將山脈嘅分佈同高低比例融合,由新界延伸至九龍及港島,再到大嶼山作龍尾,配上書法字及山巒嘅名稱等資料,躍現龍騰。


作品以專門顏色印刷,黑色極具層次感,嚴選優質紙材,絕對係山系朋友嘅珍藏之選。作品大小為30 x 30cm,限量只印50幅,每幅均配以編號,詳情歡迎Inbox查詢。


Our crossover new artwork “Dragon Vein of Hong Kong” by Rickubic and Kuric.words has officially launched. The minimal design of the dragon glide into Hong Kong’s unique terrain, integrating the distribution and height ratio of the mountains, extending from the New Territories to Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, and then to Lantau Island as the dragon’s tail, with contemporary calligraphy and the mountains’ names and other information , leaping into the sky.


This piece is printed in a specific black colour on the selected high-quality paper material. It is definitely a treasured choice for friends who love hiking. The size of the work is 30 x 30cm, and only 50 pieces are printed in a limited edition. Each piece is numbered. Inbox us for more details.

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感謝 Diptyque 為今個聖誕送上節日氣氛,香氛蠟燭Coton配上金色杯蓋和金藍襯托的火焰圖案疊綴,燃點後給人一種暖暖綿綿的感覺,「係溫馨嘅」!

Thanks to Diptyque for bringing a festive atmosphere this Christmas. The scented candle Coton is equipped with a golden cup lid and a flame of gold and blue just like a mosaic pattern. When lit, it gives people a warm and lingering feeling, “warm and cosy“!

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只要掛住個電話喺身,買嘢就更稱心啦!我冇諗過Rickubic會出手機繩㗎,今次真係超級驚喜,可以同LCX合作出咗兩款「浪遊天星」同「港式招牌」嘅手機掛繩連夾片,條繩仲有兩種顏色,配搭埋金屬掛扣仲可以掛飾物同AirPods添,咁就幾時都可以 Free Your Hands 啦!


Free your hands and immerse yourself in the events happening at LCX! I never thought that Rickubic would produce phone straps. And I was really surprised this time. We collaborated with LCX to produce two types of phone strap with chain clip, including “Star Ferry Tales” and “HK Signatures”, with two colour options and the buckle can also be used to hang accessories and AirPods. Free your hands for shopping anytime!

Upon same-day spending of HK$800 (maximum 2 receipts) at LCX, you will receive a FREE limited edition Phone Strap with Chain Clip featuring artworks designed by renowned Hong Kong illustrator Rick Lo (@Rickubic).

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Rickubic與LCX合作,為期間限定活動「港式嚟場 HK Signature」創作及展出全新畫作,今次仲特別展出六幅包括AR嘅香港特色畫作,另外亦同LCX合作推出以畫作為主題的限量精品。整個場景搭配了舊式路牌和招牌等設計元素,讓大家能夠從藝術的角度感受尖沙咀的舊港街角,彷彿來一趟地道的時光旅行!


LCX, 海港城

To take you on a journey through Rick Lo's interpretation of Hong Kong, LCX collaborated with Rick Lo @Rickubic to present 6 artworks that embody the unique characteristics of the city with AR. One of these artworks is a new creation specifically made for LCX's "Hong Kong Signature" event. The entire setting is complemented by nostalgic street signs, allowing viewers to immerse in the Old HK Alley of Tsim Sha Tsui, as if embarking on an authentic journey through time!

Rick Lo is a versatile Hong Kong artist, visual designer, and university lecturer. He is passionate in integrating digital art with AR design and enjoys using lines and surreal artistic concepts to tell stories.

22 Sep - 23 Oct
LCX, Harbour City

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終於手握到實物了,感謝!同 @mad.tal 呢個金屬瘋首次聯乘嘅最新作品「Clip in Touch - Hong Kong Record vo.2」九龍地段,承接「好。舊啟德」翱翔九龍嘅天際上空,延續九龍城曾經嘅熱鬧。作品係一個Paper Clip Box Set,將聯同其他Artists推出香港及新界地段,完成一系列完整記錄。作品可以經 @mad.tal 訂購,感謝。


I got the real product finally. The latest work "Clip in Touch - Hong Kong Record vo.2" with @mad.tal , the metal maniac for the first time collaboration, took  "Good Old Kai Tak" and flew over the sky of Kowloon, sharing the excitement of Kowloon City. The work is a Paper Clip Box Set, which will be launched with Hong Kong and New Territories sections with other artists to complete a series of records. The product can be ordered via @mad.tal , thanks.

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Rickubic 為「九龍維記」產品繪畫咗一系列以香港為主題嘅畫作,原來佢哋喺香港做咗超過80年,「維記牛奶」仲一直係香港銷量冠軍嘅牛奶品牌,夠曬勁!今個聖誕,維記嚟冬日美食節繼續同您分享快樂。


12月24日(六) 至12月28日(三) 10:00-20:00 (最後一日 10:00-19:00)

灣仔香港會議展覽中心 3 號館 3S01-08號展位


Rickubic drew a series of Hong Kong-themed artwork for Kowloon Dairy products. It turns out that they have been operating in Hong Kong for more than 80 years. One of their products - Kowloon Dairy Milk has always been the sales champion here. It is truly a powerful Hong Kong brand. Kowloon Dairy is now ready to share the joy with you at the Hong Kong Food Festival this Christmas! 


24 Dec (Sat) - 28 Dec (Wed) 10:00-20:00 (Last Day 10:00-19:00)

Booth No. 3S01-08, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 3, Wan Chai

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入戲院看電影是十分普及的大眾娛樂,香港曾經更是 「區區有戲院」。本書的主角——歷史悠久的碳弧燈放映機——將帶領你走一趟時空之旅,參觀神秘的舊戲院放映室、了解菲林放映年代的視覺聲效技術特色,以及尋找香港舊戲院足跡。本書由 Reel To Reel Institute 和專注戲院研究的黃夏柏先生共同編撰,中英對照,想先睹為快?立即訂購!

New Release Storybook - The Origins of Cinema (going)

Going to the cinema is a very popular form of mass entertainment. In Hong Kong, there was a time when ‘cinemas were in every district’. Let the historic carbon arc light projector take you on a journey through time and space, to visit the mysterious projection room, and learn about the audio-visual technology of celluloid film screening, as well as the changing of social and local cultures. The storybook is written and edited by Reel-to-reel and Mr Wong Ha Pak, a veteran researcher specialising in the history of cinemas in Hong Kong and Macau. ORDER NOW!

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咁熱都出街畫嘢,一定係癲咗!不過有源源不絕嘅啤酒同 Sake,就咩問題都冇啦!感謝位於中環Musubi Hiro 餐廳嘅邀請可以比我體驗街頭塗鴉,仲可以藝術家 Carson Wong 合作畫咗呢幅巨作,享受咗一個炎熱嘅星期六。

What a great experience under the extremely hot weather. Luckily I got beer and sake, that’s all I need. Thanks to Musubi Hiro, a restaurant located in Central, for letting me paint something I love. Got great exploration. Thanks to Carson Wong for drawing with me! And a great day drinking with lovely friends!!!

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上個月 Rickubic 為「九龍維記」產品繪畫咗一系列以香港為主題嘅畫作,原來佢哋喺香港做咗超過80年,「維記牛奶」仲一直係香港銷量冠軍嘅牛奶品牌,夠曬勁!



Rickubic drew a series of Hong Kong-themed artwork for Kowloon Dairy products last month. It turns out that they have been operating in Hong Kong for more than 80 years. One of their products - Kowloon Dairy Milk has always been the sales champion here. It is truly a powerful Hong Kong brand. 


They are having a series of activities that everyone can participate in the coming months. Tell a story about the product of Kowloon Dairy and yourself, and see how different your experience with milk is from mine!

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要創立一個品牌嘅條件好簡單,首先要有接近瘋狂嘅熱誠,然後加上不斷 trial and error 嘅堅持,再配合合適嘅營運及銷售方法,就得㗎喇!感謝 Trial and Error Lab 品牌課程導師 Ronnie 和Perine 邀請,再次作客席評審,見到今年同學豐盛嘅終極產品及展示,並逐一聆聽講解及示範,了解品牌定位、製作過程、產品研發及創作經歷等,深深感受到同學們作品背後嘅努力及成果,加油!

It is very simple for creating a brand. You must have a passion and persistence that almost drives you to crazy. And then you may thrive to success for a business. Thanks to Ronnie and Perine, the brand instructors of the Trial and Error Lab, for inviting me to be a guest judge again. It’s great to see nice final products and the presentations from the students this year.

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A limited number of 100 "Tiger Heads" NFTs are planned, each one is unique, and some of them have already been sold. This PFP work will be sold in the form of NFTs, and will leave a verification record and the buyer's sole ownership on the blockchain. The price will be settled in Ethereum. 


There are many tigers in different forms, including deep-sea diver, cloud pilot, polar scientist, suit hero, exotic astronaut, Japanese samurai armour, Spartan warrior, ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, and Hong Kong people. Let's play the adventure journey into the parallel universe.

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First time cross over in a very short period of time with @kuric.words

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今次Tatler Hong Kong搵咗我去畫一篇有關慈善基金嘅新一代管理及營運模式正在蛻變中,我研讀咗篇文章好耐先出到幅初稿,之後反覆改動畫入面嘅細節及切換場景,最終達致而家呢幅成品,刊登咗喺十二月嘅副刊Wealth Management,感謝!

When I read magazines, there are articles with illustrations on the side describing some key points from it. The illustrations can be drawn so abstractly but also accurately to the topics. I found it so difficult to do that when it came to me.


Tatler Hong Kong appointed me to draw an illustration for an article about the management and operations of new-generation philanthropists, which is undergoing transformation. I studied the article hard to prepare for the first draft, then I kept on swapping the details and scenes to fulfil the final piece. This illustration work was published in the supplement Tatler Wealth Management in the December issue. Thank you for the opportunity.

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About time to choose presents for Christmas? Someone has already picked some for you, come and have a look! 

HubYeah Limited Time Only Store 
Date: 1 Dec 2021 to 2 Jan 2022
Location: Breakthrough Book Gallery (G/F, Breakthrough Center, 191 Woosung Street, Jordan)

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台灣的朋友你們好嗎,Rickubic的作品已悄悄地到了台北,有時間的話又有一點想念香港的話可以去看看唷!非常感謝小島慢遊 Let It Slow的朋友,他們非常有心也很好人,希望可以很快有機會到台北去參觀!





Hello Taiwan! Rickubic's artwork arrived in Taipei recently. If you have time and miss Hong Kong a little bit, go and check it out! Thank you so much to a friend of Let It Slow, a very kind person. Hope I can visit Taipei very soon. 


Location: 1st Floor, No. 2, Alley 7, Lane 251, Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, Da'an District, Taipei City (MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit 1, 3-minute walk)

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No matter where you are, even in outer space, the taste of memory is always on your mind.


Some people left, some stayed behind, but there is a taste that will never be changed. Do you still remember when you had rice noodles with your first love in school back in the days? Your friends were completing the level of spiciness, and the first time paying for a dinner to your family? We miss all those good old days, especially for those who are staying overseas now.


LIFE MART has cooperated with Tam Chai Sam Gor for the last three years. This year, we invited 65+1 artists to draw for the illustration exhibition and limited postcards for the fair.

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I really haven't seen these park facilities, but elderly may have played before. Hope it will remind them of their childhood memories!


Two to three months ago, I was invited by the Hong Kong Youth Arts Association to draw illustrations for elderly to fill in colour through a tablet. It’s easy to use with finger tips. Hopefully this app can encourage them to get in touch with digital technology and art, and of course we can play with them together.

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有好多嘢都話唔埋嘅,有啲嘢唔好講到咁實,有時冇講嘢就係咁先喇,有下次嘅話我哋再玩啦!NEVER SAY NEVER 2022 香港月曆(限量版),十二幅精選Rickubic畫作,備有中英文香港公眾假期及舊曆,堅持使用英國進口極優質剛古紙及於香港專色印刷(層次感分明),同時亦可選擇配合座枱型實木座,助你坐穩機、逆風飛、送千里

NEVER SAY NEVER 2022 Hong Kong Calendar Limited Edition is available now. We’ve got twelve selected Rickubic’s artworks with printed Hong Kong public holidays in bilingual format. Besides, we used Conqueror, an exclusive high quality paper from the UK and spot colour printing technique in Hong Kong. You may choose to select a wooden stand if needed.

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Everyone loves the instant noodles served with ham and egg, especially the smell of sesame oil. It is truly a treasure in the early morning to the Hong Kong people for many nights fulfilling the philosophy of living in Hong Kong.

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This is our first piece of digital art available on the platform using NFTs. There are verification records and the digital ownership for each sale in the blockchain. And this is also the first time to use crypto currency (Ethereum) for settlement which can extend the vision of physical art. 


We picked this piece of glare of neon lights as one of our selections. It was a symbol of the prosperous night sky in Hong Kong with filling of neon signs on the streets. The tram travels through the space-time of the last century to nowadays. There are only memories left of this strong visual as those traditional neon signs that cannot be taken away. 

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表面上係做創作,其實可能有8成時間擺左喺基本營運、業務拓展、市場推廣、客戶服務等,每一個角式都要good take⋯⋯如果唔係真係好鍾意、好狂熱、好堅持,應該都會攪唔掂⋯⋯


當日見到參與Trial Academy品牌班的朋友們,佢地個個都攪得掂,憑一枱擺設足以令我感受到背後有幾咁努力,亦知道導師Ronnie和Perine功力深厚,將每人嘅個創shape到最大價值。

It is very difficult to be a good start-up. First of all, you need to be good at role playing.


Generally, it’s all about creative work. However, in fact, 80% of your time has been spent on daily operations, business development, marketing promotions, customer services etc. And you should play it all in one good take. If you don’t have super love for it, and have passion to stand with, please don’t bother. 


I saw the participants who joined in the Trial Academy branding class that day. They got the jobs done very well. The instructors Ronnie and Perine are excellent at shaping the maximum value on those brands. 


Photo credit: Andy Wong @ Trial and Error Lab

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與The Common Ground再次聯乘的刺繡燙章作品即日上架,作品選取日常交通工具為題材,除了經典電車、小輪、紅的及紅Van外,更有於1998年告別了香港的中巴,作品由Rickubic一貫的手繪線條呈現。位於南豐紗廠The Mills的地舖設有Tee可供選購,並提供即場燙印服務,更可以選擇多款刺繡燙章。






Embroidery Iron-on Badges collaborated with The Common Ground have been put on the shelves. The products were selected from public transports in Hong Kong, such as tram, ferry, minibus and taxi, including China Motor Bus lapsed in 1998. The artworks were presented by Rickubic's hand-drawn lines. The ground shop at The Mills, has Tee Shirts for purchase, and provides hot stamping services on site for various embroidery stamps.



Shop G05 to G07, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Shop 1010, 10th Floor, Eslite Bookstore, Hysan Place, Causeway Bay

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Illustration and design workshops, courses and programmes for corporations and institutes including Middlesex University London, HKUSPACE, PolyU, YMCA College of Careers and Hang Seng Bank etc. Encouraging the participants to think like a designer in illustration, Rickubic provides relevant information and techniques for entry-level participants. Workshop can be organised in English and Cantonese with custom durations and available for online teaching. Rick has more than 10 years teaching experience with over 500 students.

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We got the invitation from YMCA to design a Folder and Notepad. Seems the students have new stationery in their new semester.

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一幅在你的書桌上不能缺少的動感畫作 - 看著一幅靜止的卻也是流動的畫作,讓你在繁重的桌面上心情頓時放鬆。根據海量有關工作效率的研究顯示,放鬆的心情有助提升創作力和生產力高達 200%,想工作上有突破,書桌上放一幅畫作實在少不了。如果你有 Rickubic 的這幅畫作,只需免費下載 Artivive App, 你會即時見到不斷往上爬的山頂纜車,此外更有其他畫作,包括霓虹時空的燈光閃動電車及大雨滂沱中的天氣先生,桌上畫作從此將變得不一樣。Etsy 網上商店有售。


A moving painting on your desk is inevitable. Looking at a flowing painting makes you feel relaxed in a busy workplace. According to a large quantity of studies on work efficiency, a relaxed mood can help increase creativity and strength by 200%. If you want to make a breakthrough in your work, you need to put a painting on your desk. If you have this painting by Rickubic, just download the Artivive App for free, you will immediately see the climbing peak tram. Besides, there are other paintings such as a sparkling tram from Neon Space-time and the Weatherman Freddy under the heavy rain. Available in the Etsy online store.

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電影由很多格不同的菲林排列,順序透過手動的放映機投影在布幕上,每格菲林轉換使我們的眼睛產生錯覺,形成「會郁動嘅相(Moving Picture)」。






The film is arranged by many different films, which are projected on the screen in sequence manually. Each film conversion makes an illusion to our brain, forming a "Moving Picture".


To publish a book for the origin, culture and history of the film, it needs to be well-articulated and easy to understand. "It takes a little enthusiasm to do it."  As early as December last year, several people engaged in the preservation and restoration of the film introduced the content of eleven illustrations in order to describe the civilisation of our kind.  After several months of hard work, the book was finally published in Cantonese and English.


From screenings, black and white to colour, with sound effects and subtitles added, "Every part is a Milestone of the movie", directly connected to "The Civilisation of Your iPad".

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與 The Common Ground 聯乘的刺繡燙章作品已經上架,作品選取了路牌、紅綠燈、安全島及招牌等香港街上日常的設計,由 Rickubic 一貫的手繪線條呈現。位於南豐紗廠 The Mills 的地舖設有 Tee Shirt 可供選購,並提供即場燙印服務,更可以選擇多款刺繡燙章。




Hong Kong Daily Series - Embroidery Iron-on Badges


Embroidery Iron-on Badges collaborated with The Common Ground have been put on the shelves. The products were selected from daily designs on Hong Kong streets such as street signs, traffic lights, pedestrian island and signboards, which are presented by Rickubic's hand-drawn lines. The ground shop at The Mills has Tee Shirts for purchase and provides hot stamping services on-site for various embroidery stamps.


Address: Shop G05 to G07, The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Par Street, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

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Ginger Store 極支持本地創意產業,又追求超高品質,歡迎參觀。



The first time for Rickubic to collaborate with Ginger Store, a local business supporting creativity, has produced high-quality prints on the t-shirt with details of the illustrations. The special three t-shirts with the theme of "The Revenge of Ocean" are now on the shelf in the retail store located in Langham Place and Metropolis.


Shop 01-05, L10 Langham Place, Mong Kok

Shop 106, L1, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong, Kwai Chung

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Rickubic 除了提供商業的繪畫創作方案外,亦會為專屬客戶訂造繪畫作品。客人特別對新界綠色的士情有獨鍾,同時亦要求的士上乘載著指定人物,作品完成後會置入特定畫框。


Rickubic provides creative illustration solutions for commercial use, yet we also customise illustration for personal use as well. The customer seems to have a fancy of New Territories green taxis. They also request having a specific person taking it. The final product was put in a painting frame for delivery.

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新增設寄賣點位於九龍站環球貿易廣場「天際100 - 香港觀景台」的遊客禮品店,遊客可以在第100樓層高瞻香港360度景致,亦可以清晰看到維多利亞港及穿梭往還的渡海小輪。


地址: 香港九龍柯士甸道西1號環球貿易廣場100樓


The Gift Shop at “Sky100 - Hong Kong Observation Deck” located at International Commerce Centre (ICC) next to Kowloon MTR Station, is the highest place of Rickubic ever, yet you can enjoy the 360 degrees stunning vistas of Victoria Harbour and Star Ferry from a bird’s eye view. 


Address: 100/F, International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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老闆話今期要癲啲、爆啲、要cool得嚟warm啲,一出街要有嘩然嘅感覺,但係要睇住budget,最好似番舊年個setting咁......真係俾comment都可以創意無極限,腦筋急轉彎。2020香港月曆(連實木座)首度以專門用色Shocking Pink加Aqua Blue,透過類似版畫的模式逐層印製,顏色夠鮮,質感夠粗糙,一反Rickubic一貫行decent嘅路線,實行斷捨離,去得徹底,去盡佢......今期亦換左個實木座,仲加大尺寸,做左多項撞擊測試,保證站得住腳,不會倒下來。


此外月曆備有香港法定假期及傳統曆法,並附設木座,現已於 Etsy 發售。

Printed by the format of Risograph which is like using silk screen printing technique. It has two specific shocking colours which are not quite in the gene of Rickubic. This 2020 calendar can be attached with a small wood stand as an option. Please check out Etsy for an order. Cheers.

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「海洋報復系」嘅三款Tee其實已經出左都耐耐地架喇!早前有好多客人希望畫作可以印上Tee,但對於印Tee老闆有好大Concern, 因為首先件衫本身質素要好,畫作勁細緻又要追求印得近乎原作,加上要承受相當產量,所以一直都出唔到世,直至遇上 Ginger Store,奇蹟就咁發生左!


Ginger Store 極支持本地創意產業,又追求超高品質,完美示範咩叫創意主導,於是一向畫得勁慢嘅老闆在兩星期內完成畫作,將海洋生物變成機動遊戲向人類報復,八爪魚套住啲車卡係咁Fing,水母又連住啲韆鞦係咁轉,果個海星左拉右拉都夠攞命啦,呢啲概念係咩玩法,老闆個腦究竟諗咩架呢!真係估佢唔到,總之要玩,玩盡佢⋯⋯




The first time for Rickubic to collaborate with Ginger Store, a local business supporting creativity, has produced high-quality prints on the t-shirt with details of the illustrations. The special three t-shirts with the theme of "The Revenge of Ocean" are now on the shelf in the retail store located in Langham Place and Metropolis.


Shop 01-05, L10 Langham Place, Mong Kok

Shop 106, L1, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong, Kwai Chung

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新增設的寄賣點位於九龍地段的香港理工大學 PolyU Bookstore



Now available at PolyU Bookstore

Address: Room VA209, Shaw Amenities Building, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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我們有了新的寄賣點,是位於長洲往海灘方向的一幢深藍色小屋 — 優雅文創小舖「賣藝」,店主收納了各地精彩的文創產品,絕對是遊人的尋竇的地方。



Find us in a lovely and creative place at My Arts - the little blue house in Cheung Chau, surely we will have more collaborations on creativity

Address: G/F, 1 Tung Wan Road, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong

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一個月曆將會置在桌上一年的時間,對視覺上的空間有一定沖擊,所以月曆必須小心選擇⋯⋯ 想要一個富想像空間的月曆,為你在新的一年注入無限動力,嚴選十二幅插畫作品,表現極細緻,極創意的一貫插畫風格 - 2019 年 Rickubic 月曆。


同時亦非常感謝連個月曆內容及價錢都未知道就要訂購的朋友,謝謝你們,此外月曆備有香港法定假期及傳統曆法,並附設小木座,現已於 Etsy 發售。


Thank you so much for all the beloved friends who placed the order even though they don’t know the price and how it looks like. This 2019 calendar can be attached with a small wood stand as an option. Please check out Etsy for orders. Cheers.

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挑戰!主辦單位 Life Mart 希望作品以七月十四為題,創作出既本土卻又不能夠過於恐怖的插畫設計,畢竟市集是一個優閒舒逸的活動,因此以本地馳名美食叉燒入手,配以「埋嚟睇,堆嚟瀨」等文字題目展現。此外,Life Mart 是在香港一個非常用心用力的市集製作團隊,為手作業界提供強大支援及優質的文化藝術平台。


Life Mart would like to use "14 July" (as known as The Chinese Ghost Festival) as the theme for a Market Fair. It is quite a challenge to present the concept of not too horrible yet being localised. So I picked the local delicious food “Barbecue Pork” with the wordings of “Come and taste it” to illustrate the Chinese legend that ghosts might lick the barbecue pork during the Festival. Besides, Life Mart is a local team of the market fair organiser full of passion. They provide strong support to handicrafters with a qualitative platform for art and culture.

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重口味系列「觸動」經已上市,「觸動」的觸手圖案延伸 90cm,連綿不斷,紙膠帶採用純日本和紙於臺灣印製,高品質畫質及輕巧耐用。


The hardcore series “Touching Tentacles” is ready on market. The tentacles have infinite loops themselves to 90cm in length. This masking tape was printed in Taiwan with high-quality Japanese Wagami.

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畫作及帆布袋近來均遠銷海外市場,感謝來自香港、英國、愛爾蘭、意大利、美國、澳洲、丹麥等多個地域透過 Etsy 訂講。此外,香港的朋友亦可以透過郵寄及 HSBC PayMe 訂購,歡迎電郵 Rickubic 查詢。


Thanks for the online order through Etsy from Hong Kong, UK, Ireland, Italy, US, Aussie, Denmark etc.  Besides, local orders are available through postage and HSBC PayMe. Please email Rickubic for details. Thank you.

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十數款明信片將會在不定期的 Life Mart 位於 D2 Place 的明信片區有售。Life Mart 是在香港一個非常用心用力的市集製作團隊,為手作業界提供強大支援及優質的文化藝術平台。


A bunch of Postcards is now available at Life Mart located in D2 Place. Life Mart is a local team of the market fair organiser in full of passion. They provide strong support to handicrafters with a qualitative platform for art and culture.

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I need a decent desk calendar desperately when it is coming to 2018. However, I don't receive any good one. So I made one for myself. Besides, Rickubic plans to produce the calendar with a wooden stand in mass for 2019. You gotta wait for it a bit while.

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聖誕三部曲 - 第一回前傳 - 聖誕老人和鹿仔



聖誕三部曲 - 第二回 - 紅色鼻子的魯道夫

傳說有一首家傳戶曉嘅聖誕歌, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", 道出一班鹿仔們爭上位嘅奮鬥故事,紅色鼻子嘅魯道夫因為佢個鼻紅色而發光,慘被其他鹿仔歧視、恥笑同排斥,可憐嘅魯道夫冇得同其他鹿仔一齊玩,



聖誕三部曲 - 第三回 - 魯道夫遇上雪人卡爾



A full set of Christmas Trilogy has been framed after I have drawn for three Christmas years. And the story will continue...


Christmas Trilogy

The first chapter - Santa Claus is coming to Town

The Second chapter - Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer

The Third chapter - Walking in a Winter Wonderland

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傳統「辦館」、「米舖」、「藥材蔘茸海味舖」等經典行業已於十二月重現上環,Rickubic 為活動設計和繪畫主角「舖頭仔」及其他傳統特色行業,讓已逐漸消失的傳統行業以新裝再現。


The traditional local supermarkets, grocery stores, dried seafood markets have appeared in Sheung Wan with brand new faces this December. Rickubic has appointed to create a new character "Store Chai" and other local and traditional businesses to illustrate the ambience of old Hong Kong.

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新畫的狗狗卡大受歡迎,並已於各不同市集派發完畢,所畫的狗狗分別是可憐樣子的八哥和開心活潑的柴柴,Rickubic 已計劃將這個項目印製明信片,詳情稍後再公佈。


The lovely pug and Shiba that I drew were printed on gift cards to my customers. It was all gone in a very short period of time during different market fairs. Rickubic has planned to print those two dogs on postcards. Details will be out soon.

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Rickubic 帶著作品首次登陸台北參加好好手感微笑市集,在炎夏的陽光中遇見了很多顆熱誠的心,為我的創作路線給予一些指引。


It is the first time for me to approach Taipei to attend the Market Fair with many passionate professionals. Thankfully it gave me a lot of inspiration.

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為 Greenpeace綠色和平 - 香港網站 繪畫了一連四幅上載作品,繪畫關於微塑膠產品給何嚴重影響海洋生態平衝,並最終人類需要自食其果。


Hand drew 4 pieces of illustration for Greenpeace Hong Kong about microplastics in the sea, a growing threat to human health



Links to the illustration below

1. 香港每日有48億粒微塑膠入海

2. 已有140多種海鮮發現有微塑膠

3. 人類自食其果

4. 2050年海裡塑膠比魚多

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Lucky to have consignment with One Dot Art at Cheung Chau, Hong Kong, which you can easily access when getting off the ferry

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為 賞 · 想 Think of a Style 於中環的 Pop-Up Market 所繪畫並會展出的咖啡杯, 這個咖啡杯可以循環再用,杯上畫了奇異的警世及變種的海洋人面生物,大家要習慣見怪不怪,因為這個已經是現在的海洋生態了。此外 Rickubic 亦有部份畫作於市集期間公開發售。



Being invited to hand draw on a reusable coffee cup and exhibited in Think of a Style Pop-Up Market in Central, Coffee cup with all those weird creatures with human faces that probably exist in our ocean nowadays. 

Date: 14-22 January 2017, Address: No.8 Central Pier, Hong Kong.

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The Photo Frame Illustration for West Kowloon Freespace Happening with four different hand-drawn emotions before Christmas 2016

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為 賞 · 想 Think of a Style 位於西營盤高街的Pop-Up概念店所繪畫的一系列插畫經己面世,隨了帶出西營盤特色地段如高街鬼屋及佐治五世紀念公園外,更有為當區參與的餐廳繪畫舖面及設計造型。此外更特別製作了一張插畫地圖,供到訪者在當區使用。Pop-Up概念店開業為期三天,由2016年11月19日至21日。地址:香港西營盤高街25號地舖 


A serial of illustrations for the promotion of Think of a Style Pop-Up Store at High Street, Sai Ying Pun including an illustrated map for visitors to find out the store, landmarks and specific restaurants

Open for three days from 19 to 21 November 2016

Address: No.25 High Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong.

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由今年9月份開始參與了一連數個月的星期六、日在西九文化區舉行的自由約海角地攤手作市集,下次手作市集:2017年11月11至12日 2-7pm, 西九文化區苗圃公園


Participated West Kowloon Handicraft Market several times in weekends since September 2016,The upcoming market: 11-12 November 2017, 2-7pm, West Kowloon Nursery Park

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部份帆布袋及明信片現已於 Choisi Bookshop, Cultural Association, 一間位於瑞士的書店首次發售。


Choisi Some of our tote bags and postcards on sale for the first time at Choisi Bookshop, Cultural Association, a bookstore in Switzerland

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