Original artwork has been prepared on the walls. Some works are unique and do not have a printed version. In addition, booth G04 also displays two-dimensional and three-dimensional AR luminous creations, as well as works by artists from Hong Kong Arts Collective at Affordable Art Fair 2024. Thank you to my family and friends for visiting.

I never thought that SunnyHills would send products Banana Waffle Cookie for visitors to my solo art exhibition “Hong Kong Come & Go’’ in Taipei. Thank you very much for the sponsorship and support of SunnyHills!
Products are fully sponsored by SunnyHills

很高興可以跟「小島慢遊」合作,讓我有機會可以「過嚟港吓」,說一些有關香港的畫作,開展一場在台北的個人展覽,超級感謝你們! 「過嚟港吓」是廣東話過來講一下(說一下)的諧音,意思是從香港過來一趟,當中取其諧音「港」(港跟講同音),就是歡迎您過來享受一下香港的意思。
展覽日期|2024年3月28日 - 4月28日
展覽時間|週二至週日 11:30 - 19:00(逢週一公休)
展覽地點|小島慢遊 Let It Slow
第一場 14:00 - 15:00
第二場 16:00 - 17:00
I’m so glad to work with “Let It Slow”. They let me run a solo art exhibition named “Hong Kong Come and Go”, which I will show my artworks about Hong Kong. Big thanks to you guys. “過嚟港吓” (gwo3 lai4 gong2 haa5) is Cantonese, which means that you are so welcome to come and enjoy a little taste of Hong Kong.
Maybe you have taken a tram and travelled through the city full of neon lights; maybe you have enjoyed the dazzling lights of Victoria Harbour from a plane; maybe you have had delicious food in the Hong Kong style restaurant, such as pineapple bun with butter, Hong Kong style french toast and milk tea; in addition, there are also the disappeared Kai Tak International Airport, the Jumbo Floating Restaurant, and the neon light signages that will soon disappear on the streets. I hope to record it all in my works.
Exhibition date | 28 March - 28 April 2024
Opening hours | Tuesday - Sunday 11:30 - 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
Location | 小島慢遊 Let It Slow
Venue | 1F., No. 2, Aly. 7, Ln. 251, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106
Guided tour | 30 March and 31 March 2024, Saturday and Sunday
Session 1: 14:00-15:00
Session 2: 16:00-17:00
For everyone who is in Taiwan, come and check out the exhibition, see you there!

What a lovely exhibition opening with over 30 different local artists to celebrate an early Christmas! Thanks to Ky and Pete for the hard work to create this setting. Happy to talk with visitors and artists to share things about life and art at Hong Kong Arts Collective! Come and visit to share the joy!
Exhibition period: 1 - 22 Dec
Opening hours: Tue - Sat, 12-6pm
Location: Shop 1, Ground Floor, Centre Point, 181-185 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

從此我多咗一條路行 - 「由域路」(來自「白鴿英語」嘅廣東話音譯),呢條路可以將尖沙咀唔同嘅時間點連繫起嚟。細個已經知咩係海港城,去尖沙咀仲一定會見到太空館、文化中心、鐘樓、天星小輪、碼頭、同埋維多利亞港,陪住好多香港人一齊大⋯⋯ 今次展覽嘅畫作係首次使用燈箱呈現,再加埋港式招牌同街名嘅場景,變成「舊港街角」。
非常感謝 LCX, Harbour City 及 The Time Sommelier 嘅邀請,將 Rickubic 嘅展覽首次帶入商場,觀眾更可以置身其中,同場仲有八大香港製造品牌嘅酒及產品,可以嚟感受吓「港式嚟場」HK Signature 嘅氣氛。
“I have a street named after me.” - By Rick Lo, which connects different time zones of Tsim Sha Tsui in my memory. Besides we already know Harbour City, there are the Space Museum, Cultural Centre, Clock Tower, Star Ferry and Pier, and Victoria Harbour. Those are the scenes that Hong Kong people spent time there for decades. It is the first time to use lightboxes to display the artworks in the exhibition. With all those traditional signs and street names around the corner, it transforms the space into “Old HK Alley”.
We are very grateful to LCX and The Time Sommelier for inviting Rickubic to exhibit in the mall for the first time. Visitors can also immerse themselves in it. There are also eight Hong Kong-made brands of wine and products, so they can experience the taste of “HK Signature”.
22 Sep to 23 Oct, LCX, Harbour City

感謝嶺南大學數碼藝術及創意產業系,策展與藝術史文學碩士課程嘅邀請,畫作「Departures 離境」成為策展項目其中參展作品。
Thanks for the invitation by the Master of Arts in Curating and Art History, Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries, Lingnan University, my artwork “Departures” has been chosen to be exhibited for the curatorial project.
大多數時候,我們對旅行的理解就像是一個體驗不同文化的機會。詹姆斯·克里弗德的理論似乎引起了人們對旅行理解的沉思。他對「旅行」的理解廣泛引申到移民、勞動力流動性、游牧和旅遊歷史中。藉由詹姆斯·克里弗德的理論,我們在這次展覽中邀請觀眾和藝術家Rick Lo、陳穗娜、方家榆、黃杰堃、崔曉楠和陳依汶用作品拓寬對於旅行的理解。
旅行者 · 7月29日 至 8月6日 · 賽馬會創意藝術中心L1 Gallery
開幕典禮:7 月 29 日 | 下午5點
Travellers · 29/7 - 6/8 · JCCAC L1 Gallery
Opening Ceremony: 29/7 | 5 pm
Curatorial Project 2022 - 2023, Master of Arts in Curating and Art History, Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries, Lingnan University

Thanks to the Hong Kong Arts Collective as the gallery to exhibit my artwork on the walls. Thanks to Ky and Pete’s great effort to share the mission of promoting the art of Hong Kong. Love you guys. And it’s been nice to share art experiences with all the artists in the booth.
Thanks to Pauline who stands with me to share thoughts during the fair. And more importantly taking photos along the way to share what’s happening to the fair.
Lastly, thanks to everyone, my parents, my friends who came to visit our booth and the feature wall, and especially to those who brought the artworks home. Thanks for supporting the artists of Hong Kong.
See you all soon!

有個客人影到呢架電車,佢話由 Rickubic 喺市集擺檔買咗張 Postcard 開始,到上一年「我初次亮相」喺 Affordable Art Fair ,「一擲千金」買咗一張「舫似鯨落」,「佢令我覺得自己好有眼光」,我衷心表示非常感謝一直以來嘅支持同信任呢個 Artist 可以行得幾遠,希望我可以同呢架電車一樣,同大家繼續探索每一段行程。
When "Kai Tak" meets Hong Kong Island
I once drew Hong Kong trams and neon light signages. I once said that trams have been travelling since the last century. We only have the visual memories left every time we pass through the street on the tram. It’s like that day in Kai Tak, Kowloon City. I couldn’t catch a plane with my hand. Everything is just being left behind.
But I never thought that "Good Old Kai Tak" would appear on the tram body, walk through many streets, and wander around Hong Kong Island. Did you finally meet it?
A customer saw this tram, and she said that she bought a postcard of Rickubic at the market stall. And last year, the first time I exhibited my work at the Affordable Art Fair, she said she spent a lot of money to buy “Whale Fall”. “It makes me feel that I have an eye for art.” I sincerely express my gratitude for the support and the trust. I hope we can continue to explore every journey with everyone like this tram.

非常感謝 Affordable Art Fair 大會嘅邀請,亦非常榮幸成為2023年度嘅 Feature Artist,畫作「好・舊啟德」亦成為本年度藝術展嘅視覺宣傳
Thank you very much for the invitation of the Affordable Art Fair, and I am very honoured to be the Feature Artist of 2023. The artwork "Good Old Kai Tak" has also become the visual of this year's art fair.
"This is a piece for those people who have flown away, those who have flown back and those who are about to fly away…I couldn’t catch the plane by hand, but I got the frozen time that the scene was no longer." The AAF had an interview with me before, which reminded me of the original scene. The concept of this piece is hoped to present the memories in my mind and resonate with everyone.
Feeling can be just at that very moment, imagination can be infinite and long lasting. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to imagine...

係一個非常「重」嘅獎項,對 Rickubic 嚟講,係行嘅每一小步,其實都係一大步,重嘅唔只係個獎實質嘅重量,亦係一路走嚟,轉頭睇吓,「一醒覺 經已殺出 這條路」,我從來都冇一套Formula,只係相信努力做好每一幅作品,作品可以同觀眾說話,咁就夠喇!
要多謝大會 LAWSGROUP 頒發呢個「香港掂檔十大匠人選舉2022 - 最佳匠人」獎項,多謝一直以嚟都支持 Rickubic 嘅朋友,由舊年十月開始,有錄影訪問、匠人市集、投票選舉、入圍後再做咗幾晚嘅詳細品牌匯報,到尋日嘅頒獎典禮及訪問,我全部都完成,感謝大家俾我呢個咁正嘅體驗!再次多謝 @d2place ,可以俾大家去實驗 / 實現自己嘅構想。
It is a very “heavy” award. Every small step is actually a big step for Rickubic. It’s not only the actual weight of the award that is made of concrete, but also the exceptional journey along the way. I believe that every single piece of work should be done well, and that work can move the audience, that’s good enough!
I would like to thank LAWSGROUP for awarding this “Hong Kong Top Ten Artisans Award - Best Artisan '' award. And thanks to everyone who has always supported Rickubic. Starting from October last year, there were video interviews, handicraft fair and voting, and I did a detailed brand portfolio for a few nights after being shortlisted. Then it was the award ceremony and interview yesterday. Thanks to everyone for giving me such an amazing experience. Thanks again @d2place for everyone to experiment with their ideas.
In Hong Kong, I believe there are always more than 10 artisans. Cheers.

已售出嘅 Art Prints 經已簽署,感謝大家支持,今次作品25x25cm同35x35cm, 只印製25幅,由Hong Kong Arts Collective 主辦 Square Prints Gen Two, 以支持慈善機構 Impact HK Charity ,現於 Musubi Hiro 作展示。詳情可睇以下連結。
Thank you for your support. Sold Art prints have been signed. This time we got 25x25cm and 35x35cm with 25 editions only. Organised by Hong Kong Arts Collective, Square Prints Gen Two in support of the charity Impact HK Charity, now displaying at Musubi Hiro. Details can be viewed below.

Thanks everyone for coming to the opening reception at HKI Gallery. Really appreciate it! Hope you had a great and enjoyable evening with the AR and the noise of plane landing.
Thanks to HKI Gallery for this fantastic setting! It’s definitely a milestone to me and for Rickubic. The exhibition will be opened till 18 Jan 2023. Do come and visit these amazing works from other 3 digital artists. They are @robsketcherman, @felipecriscoart, @oddindv. I will be there sometimes with short notice. Inbox me or catch me if you can. Love to hear from you!
Exhibition Period:
2 Dec 2022 - 18 Jan 2023
(Free Admission)
Opening Hours:
12 - 7pm, Tuesday - Saturday (except public holidays)
Venue Location:
HKI Gallery, Suite 701, 7th Floor, Chinachem Johnston Plaza, 178-186 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

The very first time to exhibit at the Affordable Art Fair 2022 with over twenty pieces sold
Thanks for everyone who supporting me, supporting the art of Hong Kong!!! Love the artists I met in the booth and can’t imagine how great they are! And big thanks to Hong Kong Arts Collective for letting me to have this amazing experience! Thanks Ky and Pete. Love you two. Hope we will be seeing in the next fair soon!

参加咗 @hongkongartscollective 主辦 Square Prints Gen Two, 有其他超勁嘅本地藝術家畫嘅新作,以支持慈善機構 @impacthkcharity,並會喺本星期六(5月14日)呈現開售,如果您想喺購買前親眼睇吓,可以到中環 @musubihiro,當日3點至6點會舉行發佈活動。
Do you remember when was the last time you took a plane? Do you feel that you have finally returned home or do you take a glance before leaving? Whether you fly away or fly back, I hope you will remember the moment we synced together……Goodbye Hong Kong
Want some new art that supports local artists and local charity, @impacthkcharity ? That is also affordable and fits perfectly in HK sized apartments? Well look no further than @hongkongartscollective new Square New Collection. This collection will go live on the 14th May. If you’d like to see it in person before you buy it, please join me on 14th May from 3-6pm @musubihiro for the launch event.

好。舊啟德(巨幅 42 x 59.4cm)售出
遺忘時光(巨幅 42 x 59.4cm)售出
Giclée print
Hahnemühle German Etching (44”), 310gsm
Edition: 50
Good Old Kai Tak, Hong Kong (Large piece 42 x 59.4cm) SOLD
Lost & Found, The Monster Building, Hong Kong (Large piece 42 x 59.4cm) SOLD
Giclée print
Hahnemühle German Etching (44”), 310gsm
Edition: 50
Each piece has been carefully graded and professionally printed at exhibition-quality, with AR effects added to create the visual scene and shocking sound of planes passing by in Kowloon City and the animation of the Monster Building. The limited edition has a large frame, only 50 pieces, each with a unique number and a certificate of authenticity, and it is definitely the best choice for collections.

非常感謝曾經到訪嘅各位、聽咗聲音導航、睇咗AR虛擬實境、Scan過個NFTs、感受過真人帶領導賞,買咗畫做珍藏,喺留言冊寫咗啲嘢等,每一點都令我可以完成首個個人藝術展覽。另外要特別感謝Mini Central場地提供,電台節目主持人馬仔嘅專業廣播及Pozzimade全力支援。
Rickubication - 首個個人畫展
Mini Central,中環雪廠街38號
Thank you so much to everyone who has visited the exhibition, especially experienced the audio tour, AR, NFTs, the art tour, bought the pieces for collection, wrote in the guestbook etc. Every single thing help me to complete my first solo exhibition. In addition, I would like to thank Mini Central, professional DJ Ma Chai, and full support from pozzimade.
I hope you noticed the details in each piece, whether there are lost items in a mansion, a revenge game from the ocean, a tribute to surrealism, a plane that cannot be caught on, the sadness of the Lion Rock etc. the meaning of each piece expressed through strong lines for you to interpret.
I need some time to assess my creations. And I may try something new. This exhibition is definitely a milestone in life. Thank you.
Rickubication - First solo exhibition
November 6 to December 7, 2021
Mini Central, 38 Ice House Street, Central

"Neon Time and Space", a complete version, each piece has been carefully graded and added with AR lighting effects, so as to bring out the traditional neon light and the cyberpunk style. The limited edition with large frames, only one hundred pieces are sold worldwide, each with a unique number and a certificate of authenticity. It has already been purchased by over 10 buyers, and it is definitely the best choice for collections.
A painting that never stops opens another “Neon Space-time”. Filled with neon light at street corners, it used to be a symbol of the prosperous night sky in Hong Kong. The tram traveled through the space-time of the last century. Traditional neon signs cannot be taken away, only memories of this strong visual remain.
“Neon Space-Time” (Limited Edition) has been prepared and has undergone professional high-quality colour processing to ensure that the finest can be accurately printed, the finished products are well-defined, and its ready at the Etsy online store!

有客人訂購了本店最暢銷的五幅畫作,更要嵌入畫框內於辦公室牆上展覽 - 最暢銷畫作都是香港本地主題,以交通工具為載體,穿梭於不同的時空,見証著香港人的每個時代。
One of our customers ordered the five best-selling illustrations embedded in the frame for display in the office. The best-selling illustrations are all in themes of Hong Kong. These illustrations are used as carriers to travel through different time and space, witnessing the era of Hong Kong people.

之前被犇墟 @ban1heoi1 邀請在會場內架設一幅約5米闊嘅霓虹招牌,供入場人士打咭,只需簡單下載一個App,就可以即時睇到,仲可以拍攝短片,招牌閃亮與人產生互動,使人融入畫中。
Rickubic was being invited by @ban1heoi1 (a market fair) to display a large signage art wall in the venue. It was one of the spotlights for visitors to take photos. You can just simply download an app to view the AR effect instantly, which is interacting with the sparkling neon signages.

畢安 - 源自人性
Participated in Hong Kong Figureman Design 2014 with the inspiration of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch and named the piece "Buk On", Got Merit Prize according to the judging panel at last.