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癒報 Healpy Post, 2023

昔日香港的舊事舊物,不但是本地人的美好回憶,更是吸引外來遊客的賣點,舊香港已變成獨有的本地特色。由即日起至10月23日,海港城LCX舉行「港式嚟場 HK Signature」期間限定活動,多個舊香港特色的打卡位貫穿整個LCX範圍,並有八大本地生活品牌開設期間限定店,以及舉辦工作坊,相信是一個很治癒的玩樂節目,一同嚟體驗香港的「式嚟場」(Signature)。

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文創界盛事| 第五屆「香港掂檔十大匠人」順利誕生|以推動香港文創發展|鼓勵本地匠人勇於追夢, Art Tech, 2023


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RTHK: Vibrant Hong Kong:Episode 4 - Hong Kong Affordable Art Fair highlights

RTHK 2023.06.23

Day back in AAF last month, I was being interviewed by a programme named “Vibrant HK”, RTHK. And it’s out now. Thanks for this chance for me to elaborate a bit more about the inspirations in Hong Kong.

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Tatler Asia 2023.06.23

做藝術只有用畫布嗎?3位香港藝術家以不同媒介創作:霓虹燈藝術家Karen Chan、樹脂畫藝術家Rolland Cheung及數碼藝術家Rick Lo

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Best things to do in Hong Kong in May

Cathay Pacific 2023.05.09

If you’re looking to spruce up your walls, now’s the time to commit. In the wake of Art Basel and Art Central last month, the Affordable Art Fair  is celebrating its tenth anniversary with one of its biggest exhibitions yet, showcasing 270 artists at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 18 to 21 May. It’s the best way to discover up-and-coming global artists and start your art investment journey. 

From nostalgic Hong Kong pieces by the likes of Rick Lo and Eleanor McColl to vibrant works by Spanish artist Murfin, there’s something for everyone.

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第十屆Affordable Art Fair開幕 以藝術重現香港情懷

虛詞 2023.05.19


其中一個在「特別項目」中展出的作品,亦以啟德機場為題材,本地插畫師Rick Lo所創作的畫作,作品名為「Good Old Kai Tak」。他畫下飛機在九龍城低空掠過的畫面,仿似觸手可及,卻始終不可捕捉,正許多香港人的回憶一樣,轉眼間便已消失無蹤。他如此形容:「這幅畫作給飛走了的人、飛回來的人、將要飛走的人。我抓不住那架飛機,卻抓住了那幕不再的時光。」

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焦點藝術家 Rick Lo | 訪談對靈感來源和藝術實踐看法 | Affordable Art Fair 2023

Art-Tech Talks 2023.05.18


香港插畫師Rick Lo 更表示當收到這個消息時,真的不敢相信——能夠讓我的作品成為2023年香港平民藝術展的亮點,絕對是一種榮譽,更是藝術家的一個重要的里程碑。而當觀眾回到身邊,讓作品與他們的記憶產生共鳴時,這是一種奇妙的感覺。另一重點是很高興可以直接與畫廊的代表討論藝術品,這也是一個結識其他參展藝術家的友好空間,這是一次愉快的體驗。

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Artsy Map 2023.05.13


Rick Lo brings his artwork “Good Old Kai Tak” to life, Rick Lo’s entrance piece will be made up of a series of vertical wall panels set at distances so fair visitors can explore and take photos within the artwork in 3D.

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AFFORDABLE ART FAIR進駐香港10週年 聚焦本地作品 緬懷香港的風景!

​Metro Pop 2023.05.19


剛走進會場,首先映入眼簾的是飛機滑過啟德上空那一瞬間的畫面,由本地藝術家Rick Lo創作作品《Good Old Kai Tak》,為「飛走了的人、飛回來的人、將要飛走的人」而畫。這景象也記下了那個美好的舊時光:記憶中的招牌、建築;即使忙碌,抬頭望去也總能看見希望的年代。又或者,是否還有人記得,飛機掠過上空時那巨大的聲響?而此次Rick Lo的作品,就結合了擴增實境(AR),然大家能夠看到畫作中正在發生的故事,重溫舊啟德飛機升降的景況和那震耳欲聾的引擎聲響。同樣對舊時代緬懷的,還有隨鯨沉入深海的珍寶海鮮舫、電車與霓虹依然閃亮的時光。

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香港Affordable Art Fair 2023直擊有片!

​星島日報 2023.05.19


一進香港Affordable Art Fair 2023場內,第一眼便看到香港藝術家Rick Lo作品《Good Old Kai Tak》,這亦是今屆Affordable Art Fair大會圖片,在畫中可看到好多香港人的童年回憶及生活方式元素,Rick是想畫給飛走了的人、飛回來的人及將要飛走的人看,告訴大家抓不住那架飛機,但抓住了那幕不再的時光,好有共嗚!

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感謝商業電台嘅邀請做咗個錄音訪問,感謝急急子 @aamber903 及商台同事們對畫作嘅細緻欣賞,我哋傾咗一陣關於創作嘅嘢,同埋要留意嚟緊五月中喺會展舉辦嘅 Affordable Art Fair 呀! 


訪問會喺叱咤903 急急子嘅節目《集雜志》播出



Thanks for the interview by Commercial Radio last week. Make sure you will be able to join the upcoming Affordable Art Fair at HKCEC in May.

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要多謝大會 LAWSGROUP 頒發呢個「香港掂檔十大匠人選舉2022 - 最佳匠人」獎項,多謝一直以嚟都支持 Rickubic 嘅朋友,由舊年十月開始,有錄影訪問、匠人市集、投票選舉、入圍後再做咗幾晚嘅詳細品牌匯報,到尋日嘅頒獎典禮及訪問,我全部都完成,感謝大家俾我呢個咁正嘅體驗!再次多謝 @d2place ,可以俾大家去實驗 / 實現自己嘅構想。

I would like to thank LAWSGROUP for awarding this “Hong Kong Top Ten Artisans Award - Best Artisan '' award. And thanks to everyone who has always supported Rickubic. Starting from October last year, there were video interviews, handicraft fair and voting, and I did a detailed brand portfolio for a few nights after being shortlisted. Then it was the award ceremony and interview yesterday. Thanks to everyone for giving me such an amazing experience. Thanks again @d2place for everyone to experiment with their ideas.

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The written interview with the Affordable Art Fair has been published. Go check out my creative process and inspiration from the link below. 

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法國香水品牌 @diptyque 最新發佈嘅限量版 Do Son 淡香水,感謝您哋嘅邀請,令我可以喺 Aqua Luna II 上可以睇到、聞到同感受到,逐點填上那份屬於自己嘅留白⋯⋯

"Do you remember the place where you lived when you were young? Even the toys you played and the bike you rode. Who was sitting next to you in the classroom? What were those funny things? How much of your childhood are you supposed to remember?”


It is difficult to create a wonderful and artistic animation. And there is one full of fragrant fantasy. The animation describes the imaginary space of the artist when he paints, it goes through the reality back and forth. What a lovely piece with beautiful background music. 


@diptyque a French perfume brand, with the launch of new limited edition perfume Do Son, thanks for your invitation to let me experience the fantasy.

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​I was interviewed by ViuTV during JCCAC, and talked about creative ideas, AR production and Hong Kong-related topics.

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一開始就話係友台嘅行家即刻有壓力,仲要狂Tag Rickubic真係夠曬屈機,之後輕鬆講吓AR同而家設計呢行,仲有分享吓教學嘅趣事,傾吓傾吓咁就錄咗廿分鐘。感謝新城知訊台由Michael Beat和馬仔主持「星期日無限定」的邀請做了一個專題訪問,讓我可以重拾在澳洲開咪嘅時光。呢廿分鐘專題訪問已經在星期日(12 / 9 / 2021)晚出咗街喇!想聽重溫嘅朋友可以透過以下連結聽番㗎!(溫馨提示: 節目會於04:30開始)

An interview by Metro Broadcast about Rickubic including sharings on the design industry and interesting stuff about teaching, was broadcasted on Sunday night (12 Sep 2021). Please go to the following link to listen. Kind of reminds me of my broadcasting time back in Australia. 

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Tatler Hong Kong invited Rickubic to create artwork to celebrate Hong Kong, from A to Z, which I got the letter K - Kai Tak. 


Extracted from Tatler Hong Kong 


Artist Rick Lo - who sometimes uses the pen name Rickubic - remembers flying into Kai Tak Airport, whose runway famously jutted into Victoria Harbour, making it one of the most dramatic landings in the world. 


“I loved to see the view from the plane,” says Lo. “I remember seeing all the beautiful lights - a tiny Hong Kong. I was excited that our plane almost landed on the roofs of the buildings.” 


Lo subsequently developed a serious passion for flying. “I took flying lessons in a small plane in Adelaide when I studied in Australia,” he says. “Although I haven’t completed any licences, each time I get back up there in a plane, I feel happy.” 

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Redesign from my original artwork "Dali's Breakfast". It got published on Instagram by Marie Claire HK with the most famous TV show by that time. 

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"8 Talented and Inspiring Hong Kong Illustrators You Need To Know"

Written by Amanda Sheppard, Localiiz


Rick Lo, or Rickubic, as he is known, is an illustrator known for his bold line work. Having relocated from Australia to Hong Kong, he puts a fresh spin on everyday iconic Hong Kong sites such as the Star Ferry and red minibuses, with the odd pithy social commentary thrown in for good measure. A number of his creations are available to purchase from his online Etsy store for a very reasonable price.

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作品登陸「亞洲插畫年鑑 2017」

Collections in "Asia Illustrations Yearbook 2017"

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試畫一下 Rickubic 風格的人頭畫像,同時亦製作了一系列的襟章產品,並於八月份多個本地及海外市集發售,其中戇豆先生的頭像更得到了官方戇豆先生的查詢,作品經已在他的官方 Intagram 的網站發放。


I tried to draw caricature with my own style and made pin badges for several market fairs in August. Surprisingly, my illustration was shared by the official Mr Bean account at Instagram, Wow!

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